Hey there!

I’m Colleen,

a passionate and self-taught crocheter!

I embarked on this creative journey during my college days and never looked back. What started as a simple hobby quickly turned into a deep-seated passion that has shaped my life in remarkable ways.

I began sharing my crochet projects on Instagram. It was there that I discovered a vibrant and supportive community of fellow crochet enthusiasts.

As my online presence grew, so did my ambitions. I started selling my crochet products at fairs, community events, local shops, and even online platforms. It wasn’t until I shared a picture of my crochet “girl” appliqué, that I realized I wanted to start actually making patterns of my designs.
I continued to grow on social media over the years and then, a dream came true—I landed a book deal! My book “Crochet Girls” is now available!

Purchase HERE

This blog is a space for me to continue sharing my love for crochet and offering you a wide range of patterns that I have personally enjoyed making. Whether you're a beginner eager to learn the basics or an experienced crocheter looking for new inspiration, I know you’ll be able to find a pattern here that will make a statement in your life.

Thank you for being a part of my crochet community. Your support and engagement have meant the world to me!

I found immense joy and fulfillment in transforming a ball of yarn into a cute and unique piece of art.

From the very beginning..

my favorite projects